
We are pleased to announce the release of Easy Forms 2.1. It includes the feature to customize the Form Page (Favicon, Logo, Meta Tags and CSS styles), Hide the form before redirecting to another page, Show a message when a form is displayed in an unauthorized domain, share forms by email, display datepicker in different […]

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Easy Forms v1.17 is now available to download. What’s New? 01. Date Based Conditional Logic Now available is the ability to base conditional logic rules for a Date field on your form. This gives you the option to show/hide specific fields based on a date, date range, or period. For example, now you can quickly […]

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The content that we publish in this portal is referred to Easy Forms, its features, tips and its integration with other applications. The content has 3 levels of access: Public: The content is visible by any anonymous user. Logged In users: To register you must have your purchase code at hand. Logged In users with […]

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