To match two fields with the jQuery Validation plugin and the “equalTo” method just follow the next steps:
1. Go to Forms -> Actions -> Settings -> UI Settings -> Load Javascript File and Enter the absolute url to the following file:
Note: Don’t forget to use your domain name.
2. With the Form Builder add the following Css Class to both fields to compare:
– To the first field (e.g. Password) add the Css Class: first_field
– To the second field (e.g. Confirm Password) add the Css Class: second_field
And that’s it! Test your form!
How to Customize the Validation Error Message
First, I suggest copying our demo javascript file outside the application, and update its absolute URL on Form Settings -> UI Settings.
Then, to customize the validation error message, just edit the text of this line:
$.validator.messages.equalTo = 'Please enter the same value again.';
And if you want to change the css class names, just replace ‘first_field‘ and ‘second_field‘ in the following lines:
$.validator.addClassRules('second_field', {
equalTo: ".first_field"
Then do the same with the Form Builder.
That’s all!
This example introduces you how to use the jQuery Validation plugin with Easy Forms; of course, you can create your own validation rules and use them with your forms.
Ref. | jQuery Validation Plugin