We are pleased to announce the release of Easy Forms 1.14.1.
What is New?
1. Copy & Paste Styles from one form to another
If you’ve created a Form before, you know the process inherently includes a considerable amount of repetitive work. With the Copy Design & Paste Design features, you can copy and paste CSS styles from one form to another with a couple of clicks. Also, you can reset the design to the default styles with one click.
Whach the video!
2. Copy User Roles
With this version you can copy an existing role and use that as a starting point to create a new role with different permissions.
Doc. | Create / Update / Copy a User Role
3. Change format of Date Fields via Site Settings
Now you can go to Site Settings to customize the default format for Date Fields. If you do not enter a date format, the HTML5 compatible format will continue to be used (e.g. yyyy-mm-dd).
Doc. | Change Date / Time Formats
4. RBAC Cache: Improved application performance
Although the application was already very fast, we have improved its performance. Now you can handle hundreds of forms without feeling any delay.
5. And more!
- Improved: Form Builder: Displays popover arrow in vertical mid
- Improved: Form Builder: Tel input type accepts any format (HTML5 compatibility)
- Improved: Updates script file to show Star Rating fields
- Improved: Vendor & Libraries
- Fixed: Value of 0 (Zero) is not displayed in notification messages